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Lent and Easter

Holy Week

We invite and welcome everyone to our Holy Week celebrations, the most holy of all weeks during the entire church year. With joy and anticipation each of the days of Holy Week combine to bring us a continuous, unbroken remembrance of the events that lead us to Easter Sunday. Plan to join us at each of the celebrations so you and your family experience all that Holy Week offers you. Please f...
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Have You Ever Had A Life-Changing Lent?

Join Matthew Kelly, on a life-changing journey through your Best Lent Ever.  Each week, participants will receive short videos and inspiration from Matthew that explain the genius of Catholicism and empower them to become the best-version-of-themselves.  It’s simple and completely FREE, the only cost is your commitment to live better each day this Lent.  That is entirely up to you.  Lent is not ju...
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