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Happy Easter!

My dear parishioners and visitors,

“We are Easter People and Alleluia is our song” (St. Augustine).

Easter has been always one of the most important and joyful celebrations of our faith. It is truly a very special feast-day for the Church and for the whole world: Because our Lord Jesus Christ had died but is powerfully risen! His resurrection is the cause and reason for our joyful hope in this broken world, darkened by sins.

May we, “Easter People”, all live well the mystery of our Lord’s death and resurrection in our daily life by wisely setting our hearts and minds on Heaven, faithfully seeking the things that are above (Colossians 3:1) and by generously helping one another in this journey of faith until we all will be praising and singing our own Alleluia in Heaven.

My heartfelt thank you to all of you for your faith-commitment; especially to the choirs, readers, altar-servers, ushers, extra-ordinary ministers of the Holy Eucharist and decorating-volunteers working so hard to make our Holy Week and Easter’s celebrations so solemn and beautiful.

I will take 4 days off to be at Our Lady of the Mountains with Fr. Wlady, OMI, the Pastor and Msgr. Jerry Desmond. Hoping that they will tell & show me what to do in this famous skiing mountain!!!

Have a blessed Easter. Love & prayers. Fr. Peter Hoan Nguyen
