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Homily – Sixth Sunday of Easter – Year C

“Whoever loves me will keep my word.” Words are a big thing for us. As human beings we are surrounded by words. I think at times we don’t even have time to read all the words that are sent to us. I often delete piles of emails that are sent to me, glance over texts (which often gets me in trouble) and send texts without proofreading them (auto-correct can get you into much trouble). People use words like weapons to say things, even to fill air. There is always someone who will contradict a message or comment on a post. There is an abundance of words and an abundance of communication yet there is little connection and only shallow relationships. People use words that are profound in nature, like love, and make them into small things. People use the name of God as a joke or a common expression or in anger. People use words to shock others, to form their thoughts to win others over to their cause, to justify sin. I once went to a comedy night and at the end of it we had laughed at many seriously sinful things, making them into trivial matters because we said them out loud and laughed. Maybe because we were nervous, but we laughed at breaking God’s words, which is the only thing that will save us.

“Whoever loves me will keep my word.” Now for us as Christians, the Word is not just a word but a person as well. To hear the Word is to be in relationship with Jesus. The Word of God is very powerful and transformative. Unlike all other words it does what it says. When the Word says, “I love you,” it means it to Heaven. Real words are backed up by actions and we know that God’s words are backed up by actions. In society, many words are said without sufficient thought because we don’t think we will be made accountable for them. However, God said that we will be accountable for every word we say or write. Our word is meant to be our person as well. Scripture says that the Word of God is living and active, sharper than a two-edge sword. That is a good symbol for a word, a two-edge sword, because it cuts both ways. Meaning that when I am saying something, let us say correcting someone, that cuts both me, the corrector, and the person I am correcting. I will be accountable for making the correction as will the person who is being corrected. If someone blasphemes in front of me they will be accountable as will I for not saying anything. Words are very powerful because in them contains a person. This new political way of speaking, to say what people want to hear and not the truth, has a diabolical way about it. As people of the Word we must be ready to share the life-saving words of God.

I know it feels like there is a target on our backs, that we can be attacked with the slightest provocation by people who care not what they say. They can say words like intolerant, bigot, homophobic, racist as though they are the worst things in the world, but they are not. Sin and losing heaven are the worst things in the world. Not living in eternity with God is the worst and we will have to suffer to get there. “If you love me you will keep my word.”

We have to stop thinking that all words have the same weight. There is an order. If a passer by on the streets says to you, “Thief!” you might think that’s weird but if a family member says, “Thief!” you might try to justify yourself. If a police officer says, “Thief!” you should call your lawyer to see if you can get off. If God says, “Thief!” you better repent and turn around because His sentences are long and His judgments true. We must know who says it and weigh it that way because if we discount the Word of God for a human ideal we are badly mistaken and too much is at stake. If God says, “Keep holy the Sabbath,” and the coach says, “Play ball on Sunday,” the cost is really too great to play ball. God’s words are never made invalid. If God says, “You shall not kill,” and the world says, “It is a right to kill at the end or beginning of life,” we must obey God. Words are powerful but the most powerful are God’s because He will always have the final word.

However, it is hard to follow the Word of God because the Word of God is hard and challenging. Secondly, there are so many opinions out there. This is why we need time with God in His word to even have the strength to keep it. To fight against those who use words to draw us to themselves instead of Heaven. “If you love me keep my words.” We need to abide in the Word to keep the Word.
